Topical Negative Pressure Therapy Recent Experience of the Department of Plastic Surgery at Ibn Sina University Hospital, Rabat, Morocco


Loss of substance
Negative pressure


How to Cite

Echchaoui A, Benyachou M, Hafidi J, Elaissaoui I, Zaouri H, Elmazouz S, Gharib N, Abbassi A. Topical Negative Pressure Therapy Recent Experience of the Department of Plastic Surgery at Ibn Sina University Hospital, Rabat, Morocco. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2014 Dec. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];1:38-43. Available from:


Introduction: Topical negative pressure therapy (TNP) is a non-invasive method to treat chronic and acute wounds locally, using continuous or intermittent negative pressure. The objective of this study is to present the first experience of this type of treatment used in clinical cases in our department. By presenting these cases, we highlight the indication and efficiency of this new technique applied in relatively complicated situations, at the same time it also allows a significant improvement in treating injuries and chronic wounds.
Materials and methods: In this study, we present the recent experience of the Department of Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery of the University Hospital Center of Avicenne in Rabat. This therapy was used for the first time this year (in 2014), in three young patients who presented with chronic wounds associated with local and general factors that are unfavorable for the healing process.
Results: In all three of our cases we obtained highly satisfactory clinical results. TNP allows wounds to bud in a shorter time, as well as fast healing by the second intention due to controlled wound healing or split-skin graft without using flaps. This enables to decrease the margin of error, the time and the number of dressing replacements, and to reduce the length of hospital stay.
Conclusion: This is an expensive and specific equipment. However, the cost-benefit ratio analysis shows that it is an essential method that should be part of our therapeutic strategies.


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