Surgical Management of Bilateral Maxillary Buccal Exostosis in a Patient with Polydactyly and Distomolars - A Rare Case Report


Resective osseous surgery


How to Cite

Sultan Alanazi. Surgical Management of Bilateral Maxillary Buccal Exostosis in a Patient with Polydactyly and Distomolars - A Rare Case Report. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];7. Available from:


Introduction: Buccal exostosis is bony prominence located on the buccal side of the alveolar ridge of the maxilla or mandible. It is commonly seen in the maxilla than mandible, whereas the etiology remains unclear. This article presents a rare case of bilateral maxillary buccal exostosis, distomolars, and polydactyly along with surgical management of exostosis.
Case Report: A 39-year-old Yemeni male patient came to the dental OPD with a chief complaint of swelling in the right and left-back region of the upper jaw from 12 years, which was a cosmetic concern to the patient. The patient was medically healthy with no familial history of gingival overgrowth. On examination, patient had polydactyly and bilateral mandibular distomolars. These isolated findings couldn’t be related to any syndrome after a thorough examination and medical consultation. Finally, the treatment plan consisted of, oral hygiene instructions, mechanical debridement, and periodontal resective osseous surgery, so as to reduce gingival inflammation and improve esthetic by removing the exostosis. Nonsurgical periodontal therapy alone did not reduce the gingival enlargement because of the bony nature of enlargement, thus necessitating surgical intervention.
Conclusion: Postoperative evaluation at 1, 3, and 12 months revealed uneventful healing and no sign of recurrence at surgical sites.


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