Pregnancy and Coronavirus Disease 19


Prenatal care
Breast milk


How to Cite

Shankar M, KR N. Pregnancy and Coronavirus Disease 19. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2020 Aug. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];7. Available from:


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID 19) is declared a global pandemic. Management of expecting mothers and newborn care becomes a great challenge to the physicians and their families. They should follow the same guidelines as the general population to avoid exposure to the virus as much as possible. Pregnancy does not seem to increase the risk of infection nor accelerate its natural history or the severity of illness. Routine prenatal-antenatal care should be home monitored and telemedicine encouraged as much as possible. Women with comorbidities or at high risk of infection such as a recent history of travel, from a containment zone, history of primary or secondary contact should be closely monitored for symptoms. RT PCR is recommended before labor or one day before elective surgery. Supportive treatment is important in infected patients. Low molecular weight heparin can be used for thromboprophylaxis in severe illnesses. Data on the use of Remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, Lopinavir-Ritonavir are limited. There is limited data on the placental transmission of the virus. The newborn should also be immediately be tested following the delivery of a COVID19 pregnant woman. If the newborn is found to be negative, strict hygienic measures according to CDC should be followed to express breast milk. According to WHO, breast milk banks are a safe alternative. Few mothers may prefer to give formula feeds, which can be administered by healthy caregivers. There is limited data regarding the transmission of the virus through breast milk.


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