A New Perspective for Prevention and to Cure COVID-19 Patients: Encouraging Medical Teams to Contact Healed People Treated with Chlorine Dioxide in Solution (CDS)


Chlorine Dioxide in Solution
Helsinski Declaration


How to Cite

Martinez E. A New Perspective for Prevention and to Cure COVID-19 Patients: Encouraging Medical Teams to Contact Healed People Treated with Chlorine Dioxide in Solution (CDS). Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 4 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];7. Available from: https://mbmj.org/index.php/ijms/article/view/229


This article is written to encourage medical teams from all over the world to contact the patients already treated with this soluble gas. To contact also their medical teams accompanying the study cases as to verify the actual health conditions of patients. Finally, the invitation is to question whether CDS should be tried in their respective local healthcare environments.


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