Congenital Glaucoma: Thinking about Sturge-Weber-Krabbe Syndrome


Congenital glaucoma
Sturge-Weber-Krabbe syndrome


How to Cite

Ettoini K, El Boussaadani Y, Oulmaati A, Elouafi N. Congenital Glaucoma: Thinking about Sturge-Weber-Krabbe Syndrome. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 6 [cited 2025 Jan. 20];8. Available from:


Congenital glaucoma is called "primary" if it is due to an isolated anomaly of the development of the iridocorneal angle. It is secondary when associated with other lesions, ocular or systemic. 
Phacomotoses present 50% to 70% of the etiologies of childhood Glaucoma, including Sturge Weber Krabbe syndrome (SWKS) [2].  We report the case of an infant admitted for a clinical picture made of angioma with seizures associated with glaucoma evoking an SSWK to remind practitioners of the clinical, radiological and especially evolutionary aspects of this disease entity.
Childhood Glaucoma is a rare disease that occurs from birth to adolescence. This usually results in vision loss. About 8% of cases of blindness have been attributed to this disease in the pediatric population [2].


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Copyright (c) 2021 Ettoini K et al.


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