Non-Syndrome Case of Multiple Erupted Supernumerary Teeth and Wisdom Tooth Anodontia


Non-Sundrome Case
Multiple Erupted Supernumerary Teeth
Wisdom Tooth Anodondontia


How to Cite

Alzaben N, Alomer H, Tashkandi Y. Non-Syndrome Case of Multiple Erupted Supernumerary Teeth and Wisdom Tooth Anodontia. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2021 Feb. 24 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];8. Available from:


Supernumerary teeth can be detected during a routine clinical or radiographic examination. They are defined as any tooth or tooth substances that are excess of the usual configuration of twenty deciduous and thirty-two permanent teeth (1). Supernumerary teeth can cause several complications. It depends on the location or stage of their formation, such as: preventing or delaying the eruption of associated permanent teeth, crowding or malocclusion The main aim of orthodontic treatment of supernumerary teeth is to restore adequate dental aesthetics and functions. After the clinical, radiographic and tomographic diagnosis, the orthodontic treatment of supernumerary teeth will depend on several factors. Such as; the location, proximity to vital anatomical structures, space availability in the arch, shape and the amount of supporting periodontal tissue. Reports in Western Region in Saudi Arabia showed that the range of the prevalence of supernumerary teeth was 0.1–3.8% of the population. The current finding, however, was 0.3%, a finding that is not in concert with what was reported by Fardi et al. in which the prevalence of supernumerary teeth was 1.8%.
This case reported a unilateral four premolars erupted to occlusion in the right mandibular arch for non-syndrome patient.


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