The Role of Sugars in the Caries Process


Bacterial Biofilm


How to Cite

Ezin AM, El Khammal H, Chhoul H. The Role of Sugars in the Caries Process. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 9 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];8. Available from:


The carious disease is a post-eruptive infectious pathology of the hard tissues of the tooth. It is the most common dental disease, with a prevalence of 60 to 90% in school children worldwide. It is a significant public health issue.
The caries process involves cariogenic bacteria (mutans streptococci - lactobacilli), which, by metabolizing carbohydrates, produce acids that lower the pH of the oral cavity below a critical threshold and thus cause demineralization of the enamel.
Indeed, the consumption of sugars and sweetened products is a known risk factor for caries induction. The most cariogenic sugars are the fast sugars, mainly sucrose, widely used in the food industry.
In addition to the nature of the sugar, several other factors condition the appearance of caries disease, namely the quantity of sugar consumed, its consistency, the duration of its contact with the teeth, the time and frequency of its consumption.
Among the pillars of caries prevention, the control of the frequency and timing of consumption is essential. If the eradication of free sugars remains challenging to apply, their consumption must be reduced.
This article aims first to discuss the link between the different types of sugars and the caries process and then present the current recommendations for the consumption of sugars to prevent caries disease.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Adideme Monique Ezin, Houda El Khammal, Hakima Chhoul


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