Management of Diabetes in Elderly


Type 2 Diabetes
Elderly Patients


How to Cite

Bauduceau B, Bordier L. Management of Diabetes in Elderly. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2020 May 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];4:28-35. Available from:


The management of elderly diabetic patients has become a real public health problem due to the increase in the number of patients. In this population, the complications of diabetes are more serious and are associated with manifestations more specifically gerontological. The standardized geriatric assessment is essential to define the situation of each patient according to his degree of autonomy and undernutrition, his cognitive functions, and his social environment. The therapeutic objectives must be individualized according to the clinical status of the patient. Insulin therapy is often unavoidable and requires a good education of the patient or his family. The management of diabetes in elderly patients must also avoid too much laxity in a person who is remained healthy but also unreasonable activism in the fragile subjects due to the hypoglycemic risk.


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