Transitional Care Nurses' Self-Reported Characteristics of Work Areas, Job Satisfaction, Competencies and Need for Further Training: A Cross-Sectional Study


Transitional care nurses
Job satisfaction


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Møller N, Geil Kollerup M, Lerbæk B, Berthelsen C. Transitional Care Nurses’ Self-Reported Characteristics of Work Areas, Job Satisfaction, Competencies and Need for Further Training: A Cross-Sectional Study. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 14 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];9. Available from:


Introduction: Transitional care for older people with multiple chronic conditions is complex, and identifying the competencies of the nurses who provide such care is essential. Aim: This study aimed to describe and compare the self-reported characteristics of transitional care nurses related to their work areas, job satisfaction, competencies, and need for further training. Methods: A cross-sectional study design was used, and STROBE was followed for reporting. The total population of transitional care nurses (n = 28) in Denmark was invited to participate. Data were collected through a questionnaire covering work areas, job satisfaction, competencies, and the need for further training. Results: Respondents reported high confidence in competencies related to direct clinical practice, cooperation and consultation, caregiver involvement, use of electronic communication, and a limited need for further training. Expert transitional care nurses have high confidence in their work competencies in terms of patients, administrative tasks, and increased job satisfaction.


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