New perspectives in radiation therapy


Conformational Radiotherapy
Inverse dosimetry
HDR Brachytherapy


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Dubois J-B. New perspectives in radiation therapy. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2017 May 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];4:65-9. Available from:


New developments and new technologies in radiation therapy are concerning the anatomical definition of the targets which are to be treated and of the critical organs which should be spared. These objectives can be reached by using modern imaging techniques: (US, PET Scan, CT Scan, MRI) allowing image-guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT). Modern concepts of dose distribution (inverse dosimetry) lead to the tri-dimensional conformal Radiation Therapy (3D - CRT), intensity-modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), and technological applications as helicoïdal tomotherapy, radiostereotaxy. New dose distribution techniques are also in progress: high dose rate (HDR), pulsed-dose-rate (PDR) brachytherapy, intraoperative Radiation Therapy, and new medical applications of neutrons, protons, ions carbone. Moreover, improvements in radiation therapy administrations are expected by using biological investigations to know in real-time tumor radiosensitization and radio tolerance of normal tissues in order to choose the most appropriate fractionation mode of the radiation treatment. These technical and biological developments are also associated with a better concept for using radiation therapy in a global strategy that has to be adapted to each patient and each clinical situation.


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