Using the Diffusion-of-Innovation Theory to Examine Factors Influencing the Implementation of an Electronic Medical Record in Obstetrics


Electronic medical records
Diffusion of innovation


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Gueye M, Ndiyae MD, Diouf AA, Diallo M, Wade M, Mbodji A, Diallo AK, Diouf A, Thiam O, Gassama O, Mbaye M. Using the Diffusion-of-Innovation Theory to Examine Factors Influencing the Implementation of an Electronic Medical Record in Obstetrics. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];9. Available from:


Objectives: The objectives of the present study were to assess the perceptions of physicians and midwives using an Obstetric Electronic Medical Record (EMR) software and apply the diffusion-of-innovation theory to examine the factors that users perceive as influencing the implementation of EMRs.
Patients and methods: Type of study: This is a mixed study after implementing an EMR. Study location: Dakar, Senegal. Methodology: We designed an online questionnaire sent to all users of the software. The questionnaire included three parts: a section collecting the sociodemographic and professional characteristics of the participants; a section about the usage of the software, the impact on the organization, the advantages, and limits; the last section where the users reported their degree of satisfaction and the extent to which they would be willing to recommend the software based upon their experience. The questionnaire was completely anonymized and accessible to physicians wishing to take the survey. Consent was first requested from the participants.
Results: Of the 60 physicians approached, 51 (85%) agreed to participate in this study. Of them, 62.7% were women, and the average age and experience were 32.3 years and 22.1 months, respectively. Overall, the software was perceived as simple, intuitive, and designed for an obstetrician. However, some physicians reported several drawbacks, including the time needed to type in the information, especially when they were on duty with a heavy workload, lack of sufficient computers, and some bugs. More than half of the participants agree that being young is not necessary to use the software optimally. However, an ideal user should be open-minded and cope with change. On a 0–10-scale, participants stated that they were satisfied with the software, that it positively impacted their department's organization, and that they would recommend the software, with all medians above 8.
Conclusion: Identifying the determinants of adopting the EMR is crucial for its successful implementation and dissemination. User responses will help fine-tune implementation strategies to promote better integration of this technology into medical practices beyond our facility.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Mamour Gueye, Mame Diarra Ndiyae, Abdoul Aziz Diouf, Moussa Diallo, Mouhamadou Wade, Aissatou Mbodji, Abdou Karim Diallo, Aliou Diouf, Ousmane Thiam, Omar Gassama, Magatte Mbaye


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