Outcomes of Oxytocin on Hemodynamic Change during Cesarean Section under Spinal Anesthesia




How to Cite

Mainuddin A, Monowar H, Khondaker SH, Uddin MB, Faruk A. Outcomes of Oxytocin on Hemodynamic Change during Cesarean Section under Spinal Anesthesia. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];9. Available from: https://mbmj.org/index.php/ijms/article/view/656


Background: Oxytocin is generally used in obstetric exercise as a uterotonic drug for induction and augmentation of labor and stays the drug of desire for facilitating uterine contractions through vaginal and operative delivery. It is now spreading up to far-flung areas. The infusion method of oxytocin is protected in the cesarean area under spinal anesthesia. Objective: This study evaluates the hemodynamic modifications precipitated by oxytocin given as an I/V bolus or infusion to limit uterine bleeding in cesarean section. Methods: This prospective interventional study was carried out at the Department of Anesthesiology, 250 Bed General Hospital, Noakhali, Bangladesh, from January to December 2020. A total of 50 patients with ASA grade I have been selected, with 25 affected people in every group. In group A, the parturients were given oxytocin 5 IU I/V bolus; in group B, an infusion of oxytocin 5 IU diluted with 5 ml everyday saline given I/V over 2 min using an infusion pump. The learning about duration started out simply earlier than oxytocin is given, and it used to be persisted for an additional 10 min. Systolic and diastolic BP, MAP, coronary heart rate, and uterine bleeding have been recorded every 1 min. Results: In our study, every group had n=25. All outcomes are expressed as mean ± standard deviation. The studied groups were statistically matched for age, gestational age, weight, coronary heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and arterial pressure. The implied distinction of all hemodynamic parameters at 2 to 5 minutes of oxytocin administration has been statistically significant (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Oxytocin remains the first-line uterotonic drug after vaginal and cesarean delivery. The hemodynamic changes were more marked in the I/V bolus of oxytocin than infusion technique. Recent research elucidates the therapeutic range of oxytocin during cesarean delivery and receptor desensitization. A slower injection of oxytocin can effectively minimize cardiovascular side effects and equally effectively reduce blood loss without compromising the therapeutic benefits. Evidence-based protocols for preventing and treating uterine atony during cesarean delivery are recommended.



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Copyright (c) 2021 Mainuddin Ahmed, Monowar Hossain , Khondaker Shaheen Hossain, Md Belal Uddin, Faruk Ahmed


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