Interest of Ultrasound in the Exploration of Rotator Cuff Lesions - Confrontation of Clinical Examination and Ultrasound Finding


Shoulder pain
Rotator cuff
Tendon tests


How to Cite

Akasbi N, El Aissaoui A, Yazghich I, El Fakir S, Harzy T. Interest of Ultrasound in the Exploration of Rotator Cuff Lesions - Confrontation of Clinical Examination and Ultrasound Finding. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2018 Feb. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];5. Available from:


Introduction: The aim of our study was to evaluate the interest of ultrasound in the exploration of painful shoulders evoking rotator cuff lesions and to determine the diagnostic value of the different tendon tests through a confrontation physical examination versus shoulder ultrasound.
Materials and methods: A prospective study was conducted including patients consulting for shoulder pain that suggests a rotator cuff lesion. All patients underwent a clinical examination, an x ray and shoulder ultrasound.
Results: The confrontation physical examination versus shoulder ultrasound showed that Jobe's test is very sensitive (100%) but less specific (27%), the Patte test, has a high sensitivity (100%) but an average specificity (51%), the Palm-Up test was fairly sensitive (91%) but not very specific (43%) and the Gerber test was more specific (95.7%) and less sensitive (38%). The comparison between x ray and ultrasound showed that ultrasound of shoulder is more efficient in the detection of calcifications and erosions of humeral head.
Conclusion: Ultrasound of shoulder is more performant than physical examination and x ray in exploring the rotator cuff lesions.


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