The Endobronchial Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor


Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor

How to Cite

LEFQIH I, SBIKI L, TALEB ELMINE H, SABUR S, TAOUFIQ R, ACHIR A, BOUCHIKH M. The Endobronchial Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor. ATD [Internet]. 2021 Feb. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];2021. Available from:


The inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor is a rare tumor described in the literature as a type of inflammatory pseudotumor. It mainly has a pulmonary location but can appear at endobronchial or mediastinal sites rarely. While it is a benign tumor, it can sometimes be unpredictable due to its invasive characteristic as well as its resurgence after complete excision. We report the case of a patient presenting hemoptysis. The bronchoscopy revealed a bud in the left upper lobe bronchus, and the biopsy pointed to a myofibroblastic tumor. In one month, interval, the bud extended to the left main bronchus, hence the indication of a left pneumonectomy, performed by posterolateral thoracotomy. The study of the operative specimen confirmed the biopsy diagnosis. The particularity of our case is the endobronchial presentation and the fast evolution of this inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, which requires a pneumonectomy.


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