Nephrotic Syndrome Revealing of a Squamous Cell Bronchial Carcinoma


Paraneoplastic nephrotic syndrome
Squamous Bronchial Carcinoma
Extramembranous Glomerulonephritis

How to Cite

Sbiki L, lefqih imane, Taoufiq R, sabur S, elaamadi wafae, achir abdellah, Bouchikh M. Nephrotic Syndrome Revealing of a Squamous Cell Bronchial Carcinoma. ATD [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];2022. Available from:


Malignant broncho-pulmonary tumors are the principal cause of the paraneoplastic nephrotic syndrome. These tumors are most often small cell or squamous bronchial carcinomas. In 75% of cases, the nephrotic syndrome is due to membranous glomerulonephritis. We report the case of a 67 years old patient, a chronic tobacco user, followed since June 2019 for a nephrotic syndrome caused by extra-membranous glomerulonephritis. A chest computed tomography revealed a mass of the left lower lobe.  Trans-parietal biopsy of this process revealed a squamous bronchial carcinoma. PET scan detected no other fixations. The proteinemia was at 39g/l with albuminemia at 14 g/l. Surgical resection was then indicated and the patient underwent a left lower lobectomy with radical lymph adenectomy. Outcomes were simple with complete resolution of paraneoplastic nephrotic syndrome.


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