Challenging Surgery of a Large Chest Wall Chondrosarcoma - A Case Report


Chest wall

How to Cite

TAOUFIQ R, Sabur S, Elaamadi W, Sbiki L, Lefqih I, Taleb Elmine H, Achir A, Bouchikh M. Challenging Surgery of a Large Chest Wall Chondrosarcoma - A Case Report. ATD [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];2022. Available from:


Chondrosarcoma of a rib is a very rare malignant tumor of the bone. Most patients are present with an enlarging painful anterior chest wall tumor. We present a case of 32-years old female with a thoracoabdominal tumor size of 20 cm × 16cm involving the left 9th rib. Since chondrosarcoma is less sensitive to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, surgical treatment with extensive resection with a sufficient margin is considered first-line treatment. Sufficient soft-tissue reconstruction of the thoracic wall after extensive resection represents a formidable challenge. This article aims to illustrate the possibility of resection of the six last ribs with no complicated reconstruction technique.


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