The case of the Charles De Gaulle aircraft carrier Covid19 outbreak indicates those young, healthy and active, apart from very few exceptions, do not get infected even if challenged, or are only very mild or asymptomatic if infected. As per April 20, 2020, of almost 2,000 people challenged, 1,081 got infected. Of the 1,081, only 24 ended up in a hospital. Of the 24, only 1 was reported in need of intensive care. As per April 29, 2020, only 5 were still in the hospital, and 1 was in intensive care. As per May 4, 2020, there were only 2 still in the hospital, 1 of them in need of intensive care. On May 11, 2020, only the 1 previously in intensive care was still hospitalized but out of intensive care. Thus, infectivity and fatality are much lower than thought for the young, healthy, active population
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Copyright (c) 2020 Alberto Boretti