Introduction: A post usually made of prefabricated or custom made that is fitted into a prepared root canal of a natural tooth. The core is the foundation restoration which restores adequate coronal anatomy of a vital or endodontically treated tooth. When the post is combined with a core, it provides retention and resistance for an artificial crown. The primary purpose of the post is to retain a core restoration and crown and also to redistribute the stresses onto the root, thereby diminishes the risk of coronal fracture. The post does not have any role in reinforcing or supporting the tooth. The aim of the study was to assess the quality of the post and core restorations with postoperative periapical digital radiographs performed by undergraduate students at the College of Dentistry, Qassim University.
Materials and methods: A total of 421 periapical digital radiographs were assessed. The assessment includes the type of tooth, type of arch, type of post, length of the post, the presence of any abnormality in post space, the status of the remaining gutta-percha (GP), and if there are any spaces between the end of the post and GP. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program (version 23).
Results: Maxillary teeth were the most frequently restored teeth with post (67.2%) and the majority of the cases were comprised of premolars (57.2%). Similarly, glass fiber posts (89.1%) with taper shapes were the most widely used post. The majority of the post featured a width of one-third of the root (81%). Length of the post with crown: post ratio of 1:3 was observed as the most frequently used (60.8%), whereas those of post length with crown: post ratio of 1:2 (25.4 %) and 1:1 post length was least frequently used (13.8%). 28% of cases were presented with 3 to 5 mm of GP at their apical portion and 61.5% cases reached more than 5 mm. Approximately 5 to 8% of assessed cases revealed the widening of the periodontal ligaments.
Conclusion: The performance of students was assessed by the quality of different types of post and core restorations with the postoperative periapical digital radiographs. The qualities of assessed post and core restorations prepared by the dental students were clinically acceptable.
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