Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders among Dentists in Casablanca’s Dental Center


Musculoskeletal disorders
Occupational health


How to Cite

Cheikh Y, Aicha O, Zoubair B, soufiane B, khadija K, Samira B. Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders among Dentists in Casablanca’s Dental Center. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];7. Available from:


Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the most common occupational pathologies among dentists around the world but studies are quite limited. The present study was carried out to investigate the prevalence of MSDs among dentists in Casablanca, Morocco.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study conducted among the medical staff (120 dentists) of Casablanca's Dental Center, part of the Ibn Rochd University Hospital, Morocco, over a period of 3 weeks from July 24, 2017, to August 11, 2017. The study was based on a self-administrated questionnaire which comprises two parts: the first part included physical characteristics, academic life, clinical practice, ergonomics, and work methods; and the second part consists of the “Standardized Nordic Questionnaire” (SNQ) or Nordic style questionnaire.
Results: The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in our sample was 71.67%, predominately affecting the neck, the upper, and the lower back.
Conclusion: Prevalence of MSDs was high among Moroccan dentists and the prevention of these disorders requires the adoption of a correct posture, good working habits, and ergonomic organization of the workspace, as well as the integration of regular physical activities in order for the dentist to maintain a good quality of life.


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