Oral squamous cell carcinoma is the most common epithelial malignant neoplasm affecting the oral cavity. It accounts for 90% of all oral cancers. It usually arises from a pre-existing potentially malignant lesion, and occasionally de novo. The use of tobacco, betel quid, and alcohol are well-known risk factors for oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Early detection is an important criterion for achieving a high cure rate. Occasionally, OSCC may be misdiagnosed because of its variable and innocuous clinical appearance.
We report the case of an early presentation of Oral squamous cell carcinoma in a patient aged 70 without preexisting risk factors, with a painful and soft erosion in the buccal mucosa for 2 months. The lesion resembled other benign lesions, but the biopsy was mandatory and revealed an early squamous cell carcinoma.
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