The biological and Mechanical Behavior of the Standard Implant under Removable Partial Dentures: Systematic Review


Dental implant
Removable partiel denture
Implant survival rate
Implant disease
Pressure distribution
Stress distribution
Bone resorption


How to Cite

Kadri G, Bahije L, Berrada S. The biological and Mechanical Behavior of the Standard Implant under Removable Partial Dentures: Systematic Review: . Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 20];8. Available from:


Background: The implant-supported removable partial denture appears to be an interesting alternative for cases where the implant-supported fixed prosthesis is contraindicated whether it is for medical, local, or financial reasons. The objective of this systematic review is to evaluate the biological and mechanical behavior of the implant under a removable partial denture.
Methods: A literature search was conducted on the following databases: Pubmed [Medline], Science Direct, and Cochrane Library. The research was limited to publications in English and French during the period from 01/1/2007 to 27/03/2020.
Results: Of the 334 citations initially identified, 22 articles met our inclusion criteria, assessing the implant survival rate, patient satisfaction, and the occurrence of implant and prosthetic complications. As well as the evaluation of the stress distribution on the three support surfaces of this prosthesis. Finally, the evaluation of implant localization. The results showed a high rate of implant survival and the occurrence of some prosthetic complications. Stable and acceptable bone resorption over the long term. Better stress distribution at the implant and the bone.
Conclusion: The biological and mechanical behavior of the implant under this type of prosthesis appears to be viable in the short, medium, and long term. Although this association between implantology and partial prosthesis seems promising, additional studies are needed to spread this practice still reserved for some specific cases.


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