Rehabilitation of a Patient with Partial Maxillectomy: A Case Report


Partially edentulous patient
Maxillary defect


How to Cite

Ouaalla M, El Assraoui K, Zeroual R, Bellemkhannate S. Rehabilitation of a Patient with Partial Maxillectomy: A Case Report. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 14 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];9. Available from:


The loss of maxillary bone is accompanied by severe functional, aesthetic, psychological, and social problems. The maxillofacial obturator prosthesis remains a therapeutic tool that improves aesthetics and restores the functions of chewing, swallowing, and phonation. A close collaboration between the maxillofacial surgeon and the dentist is essential to obtain an optimal prosthesis both functionally and aesthetically, thus allowing a socio-professional reintegration of the patient. There are three stages to rehabilitating a maxillary defect and a partially edentulous patient. First, an immediate obturator prosthesis is realized, then the secondary obturator prosthesis accompanies the healing process, and finally, the definitive obturator prosthesis is achieved. This article is a clinical report of different steps to fabricate a partial denture with an obturator in a partially edentulous patient with a maxillary defect.


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