Objective: Burnout is a real threat for healthcare professionals and is growing exponentially in our modern societies. Our study aims to determine the prevalence of burnout among dentists in Rabat, Sale, and Kenitra region and look for the associated factors.
Method: This is a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional epidemiological study carried out in 2019 with a group of 120 dentists using a self-administered questionnaire; burnout was assessed by the French version of the Maslash Burnout Inventory (MBI).
Results: A total of 100 dentists participated in the study (response rate of 83.33%) with a female predominance at 56% and an average age of 38 years. Severe burnout affected 25% of participants, and only 3% presented low burnout for all three dimensions (According to Maslach's Burnout Inventory). The percentages of the MBI sub-dimensions were as follows: 47% had high emotional exhaustion, 51% had high depersonalization, and 42% had low personal fulfillment. High depersonalization was associated with unmarried status (p = 0.019) and working alone (p = 0.002).
Conclusion: 25% of the dentists in our study were affected by severe burnout, which presents a worrying result proving that burnout is a reality in our country. The contributing factors were working alone in the office and being unmarried, and the essential protective element seemed to work in association.
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