Removable Partial Denture Design in Dental Practice: Epidemiological Study in the Rabat-Sale-Kenitra Region (Part 2)


Removable partial denture design
Partial edentulous


How to Cite

ELQARFAOUI A, LAOUFI MN, MERZOUK N, REGRAGUI A. Removable Partial Denture Design in Dental Practice: Epidemiological Study in the Rabat-Sale-Kenitra Region (Part 2). Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 25 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];9. Available from:


Introduction: Despite the enrichment of our therapeutic panoply by integrating implants and CAD/CAM techniques, the removable partial denture (RPD) with metallic infrastructure will remain an unavoidable alternative in rehabilitating partial edentulous teeth. The purpose of this survey, divided into three parts, is to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of dentists in private practice in the Rabat-Sale-Kenitra region regarding the design of RPDs to provide information on the means of communication with laboratory technicians and investigate possible correlations between the failure of the prosthetic project and certain adopted practices.
Materials and Methods: The study had a sample of 101 dentists practicing in the Rabat-Sale-Kenitrato region to whom we sent an anonymous 4-page printed questionnaire containing 28 questions on the design of metal frames in PAPM. A descriptive and analytical statistical study was conducted to process the data.
Results: Following the results of the statistical study, only 8% of the practitioners performed more than ten partial removable prostheses per month, 17% did not perform a clinical examination, 20% did not perform a study model, and 69% did not perform the RPD design by themselves and entrusted this task to the dental technician. In comparison, 89% did not use a Dental Surveyor.
Conclusion: This survey showed that many practitioners do not follow the rules of good practice and lack knowledge of RPD design. Therefore, postgraduate training is envisaged to help practitioners implement these good practices and improve this knowledge. However, it was noted that only 58% of the practitioners in our sample were interested in such training.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Amina ELQARFAOUI, Mohamed Nidal LAOUFI, Nadia MERZOUK, Anissa REGRAGUI


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