Management of an Angulated Maxillary Central Incisor Impacted: A Case Report


Impacted teeth
Central incisor


How to Cite

Dohou GAM, Dahoue TR, Halimi A, Zaoui F. Management of an Angulated Maxillary Central Incisor Impacted: A Case Report. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 21 [cited 2025 Jan. 23];8. Available from:


The inclusion of the maxillary incisors, although rare, poses even more difficulty to the practitioner who diagnoses it. This difficulty is increased in front of an angulated incisor in a labial position with the “policeman's sign”, the prognosis of orthodontic therapy being reserved.
This article aims to describe a clinical case of retention of two maxillary central incisors with radicular angulation and in a vestibular position in an 11-year-old adolescent, referred in the Rabat dental consultation and treatment center. clinically, we can note the absence of the two maxillary central incisors on the dental arch, confirmed by the X-ray with the presence of obstacles on the path of the incisors which are in a very high position with angulated roots. The challenge was to put on the arch of the teeth and especially the aesthetic challenge. The satisfactory result obtained is only the result of the motivation of the patient as well as the dexterity of the practitioner. Despite the current treatment, we are comforted in our choice to treat. it is obvious for us that the only absolute contraindication to traction in the case of an impacted incisor remains dilaceration


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