Facial clefts are considered as predominant malformations of the oro-facial sphere due to their frequency, aesthetic and functional repercussions. The overall prevalence of cleft palates is estimated at 1 per 700 births in the general population, with 77% of isolated cases, 16% associated with another malformative pathology, and 7% associated with a known syndrome. They can disrupt soft tissues (upper lip, nasal threshold, nasal wing, palate veil), hard tissues (alveolar arch, dental germs, palate), or both.
They constitute a congenital dysmorphosis for which the therapeutic management extends from birth to the end of adolescence. Orthodontic care has evolved considerably in recent years, mainly due to the synergy of the different specialities involved in the care of these children by the multidisciplinary team.
These cleft lips and palates have a multifactorial and complex etiology requiring a multidisciplinary approach. Orthodontic treatment has a strategic place in this treatment and involves temporary, mixed, and permanent dentition.
The aim of this article is to review the place of dentofacial orthopaedics in the therapeutic calendar of facial cleft management.
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