Silent Sinus Syndrome: A Retrospective Review of 11 Cases


Endoscopic Surgery


How to Cite

Darghal K, Borki R, Essakalli L, Lecanu J-B. Silent Sinus Syndrome: A Retrospective Review of 11 Cases. Integr J Med Sci [Internet]. 2014 Jun. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];1:12-6. Available from:


Objective: The purpose of this study is to describe the clinical and radiological features of SSS, and to review therapeutic possibilities and their outcomes.
Patients and Methods: Retrospective observational case series in the department of Arthur Vernes Institute between Mars 2007 and  November 2012. Clinical records, including ophthalmology and otolaryngology evaluations as well as computed tomography scans and operative reports, were carefully examined. A literature review for relevant studies was performed to examine similar cases.
Results: Eleven cases of  SSS were identified. Nine men and two women (sex ratio 4.5), aged between 23 and 54 years (mean, 30 years). there was 3 to 4 mm enophthalmos in 10 cases (90.9%), and hypoglobus in all cases, with no effect on visual function. In all 11 cases, the maxillary roof (orbital floor) was drawn downwards, and one or more walls of the maxilla were concave. In 4 cases septal deviation was present. 8 patients (72.7%) underwent endoscopic sinus surgery, while 3 refused it. Septoplasty was performed in 4 cases (36.3%).
Conclusion: The silent sinus syndrome is a rare entity. It mainly presents as unilateral enophthalmos in younger people and has very characteristic clinical and radiologic signs.
This case series reports our diagnostic and therapeutic experience with this syndrome.


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